Tuesday, November 4, 2008

God Bless America...Please!

First, congrats to the Democrat party for successfully perpetrating the greatest con on the American people in the history of this nation. They ran the most liberal member of the Senate as a semi-conservative and fooled a large majority of uninformed people. Good job.

At the same time, liberal Dems in congress caused the greatest economic crisis in the banking history right before an election, not a small feat to accomplish and a very good October surprise, while receiving great amounts of cash illegally from the government run institutions that aided them.

The media did their job of covering up everything that may expose the Obama's extremist views. Of course, the Republican party also did their part by nominating a "moderate" candidate who has turned his back on his party several times in the past, too many times for many of the Republican base to stomach.

So now we have elected the most left-wing, literally socialist, government in the history of our nation while they pretended to be somewhat conservative. I think one radio host called it well when he said if Obama is elected, most of the people who voted for him will wake up a year from now and say "What the hell? This isn't what I voted for".

The irony of the whole thing is the young, economically ignorant, voters who have apparently given him the win will be affected the most by the onslaught of left-wing policies that are to come. Just out of college with no experience will not be a good place for them in an economy that, if (and I believe when) Obama holds to his true beliefs and previous voting record, will have an unemployment rate that will most likely hit double digits.

While there is always hope that Obama will actually stick to his promises, I do not count on it. The left-wing congress has already planned to have a special session to reinstate the ban on drilling in the Gulf, raise taxes, spend like drunken sailors and insitute socialist health care so they can present these bills to Obama the minute he is sworn in. He will sign most, if not all, of these bills so get ready.

We are about to get a hard and very expensive lesson in socialism. I just hope this great country is able to come back from it. For the first time in my life I actually fear my government. I fear it because it is now run by people who have said in the past they do not like America, the individual or the freedom we hold dear. I fear it because we will have a President who will be lying when he takes an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, a document which he cannot uphold since he has stated he believes it is flawed. I fear it because we now have a government that does not seek to raise people up, but instead vows to tear achievers down.

In the past it has only been a difference in who will be leading the government of the United States. This election had one candidate who will fundamentally change the structure of the United States government to take over more of our economy than we have ever seen or even thought would be possible. This candidate won and he will bring change, but it will be a change that will shake the foundation of this nation to its' core. I just hope and pray America can withstand what is coming.

Though I am afraid we will see a great deal of our freedom taken from us over the next few years, my greatest fear is for those who place all of their faith in this world. I could not imagine having to weather the coming socialist storm without my faith in God to guide me. No matter what happens, my family will be okay through all of this. But those who have no faith to lean on will be the ones we read about in the paper who just could not handle the financial stress anymore. Thankfully hard times bring a lot of people to the church so my prayer is the lost can find the true Savior through these difficult financial times.

Don't put your faith in the temporary things of this world. Put your faith in a great God who gave His Son for you and will always be there for you no matter the circumstances. We need Him to be the leader of our lives and our nation so God Bless America...Please!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


With all of the commercials coming out of the Obama campaign saying things that are 180° out of phase with what he has done or voted on in the past, you need to know what you can really expect from an Obama presidency. All of his proposals have been tried before so we do have history that shows exactly what happens. Here we go:

  1. The first thing you can expect is no tax cuts for anyone. I know he has said "I will give tax breaks to the middle class", but it doesn't match his actions in the past and his claims are quite frankly impossible. Obama has never voted for a tax cut while in the state senate of Illinois or while in the U.S. Senate. He is a liberal Democrat and they do not believe in tax cuts. Also, his claim is that "95% of working families will get a tax cut". That is impossible since nearly 40% of "working households" pay no federal taxes to begin with. What will happen is he will pull a Bill Clinton and say "I worked really hard to give you a tax cut but it's just not possible."

  2. You can expect a tax increase for everyone who is a federal tax payer. In 2010 the tax cuts enacted in 2003 expire. Those were the largest tax cuts in history so when they expire they will be the largest tax increases in history. This will stick a bayonet through the heart of the economy and job growth

  3. Gasoline will go back up to $4+ per gallon. He has voted against drilling in ANWR and also against opening the Gulf of Mexico for more drilling. The ban on drilling in the Gulf that just expired will be reinacted by a Democrat controlled congress and he will sign the bill. The expiration of that ban happened the exact same time the price of oil started dropping 50% so you can expect it to go right back up and even higher since OPEC has no fear of the U.S. drilling for our own oil. It's all supply and demand.

  4. Prices for everything will rise & there will be long lines for gasoline. His plan to try and force us to "alternative fuels" is radical. He plans to hit oil companies with "windfall profits" taxes for their "insane profit margin" of a whopping 8%. (I bet you didn't know that one since all they ever give you is the dollar figure. 8% is not a great profit margin.) Couple this with his the price controls that have been proposed and we're in big trouble. The Carter administration did the same exact thing and the oil companies answered by dropping production through the floor. Businesses are in business to make a profit so if you tax the poop out of them and tell them they cannot make a profit, they will just not make the product. Oil companies are not a charity and not a cash cow for government. This will result in even higher prices up to the limit imposed and then they will drop production. We'll have long lines and rationing just like we did in the '70s. Look it up if you don't believe me.

  5. Radio and TV will be censored. They call it the "fairness doctrine" but there is nothing fair about it at all. This was implemented once in the '70s too and its' sole purpose is to shut down any opposition to liberal Democrat policies. The main stream media has been 100% in the bag for the liberals and for Obama for years and they are not even hiding it this election. The only place you can get the opposing view is on talk radio or the internet so they want to shut it down. The "fairness doctrine" makes it impossible for a station manager to deal with all of the complaints filed against them under this doctrine. The station starts to lose money so they shut the format down and go to music so they don't have to deal with the doctrine, just like they did in the '70s. Of course, the "news" outlets are not covered by this so they can continue to tow the liberal line and shut down the opposition, just like the Soviet Union did.

  6. We will get socialized medicine. Ted Kennedy has already begun writing the bill from his sick bed. It has been his dream to give us socialized medicine just like Canada and Great Britain. It will be proposed and passed "in honor of Kennedy" since he is ill and Obama will sign it. There will be a complete takeover of our healthcare system by the government, the same guys we complain about at the post office, DMV, etc. So you can expect the same as Canada and Great Britain where they ration health care based on whether the government thinks you are worthy or not. Then you get to wait in line for months for life-saving urgent care like cancer treatment, dialisys, etc.

  7. Unions will be given free reign to intimidate employees to vote the way they want. This comes from the "Employee Free Choice Act". This act allows unions to come in and organize any company and keeps the company from being able to defend itself. It also gets rid of the secret ballot so employee votes are seen by union heads. The heads (thugs) know how you vote and they let you know it so if you vote against them you will be harrassed by the union bosses. Ask any union member who has spoken out against the union or dared to withdraw from it if you don't think harrassment really happens.

  8. Your 401K will become the property of the U.S. government. A proposal has been put forth to take your 401K and put it into social security. It removes the pre-tax contributions and puts your money into a system that is nearly bankrupt. They want to take your money to give it to someone else because they have stolen from social security for years and now baby boomers are retiring and withdrawing so they are in trouble. By the time you retire you can say goodby to your hard earned money. The stock market is a temoporary drop that will come back. Always has and always will as long as the government stays out of it.

  9. We will be attacked within his first year in office. Joe Biden has already said they will be tested. This test will come because our enemies know Obama is an appeaser so he will not defend our nation. Since Islam declared war on the west they have tested every president starting with Carter. They find the ones who are weak and they keep hitting us over and over. It happened during the Clinton years with several attacks on us plus the planning of the 9/11 attack during his administration. Bush fought back so we have not had another attack since 9/11 but we will be at their mercy since Obama will weaken our defenses by cutting their budgets to the bone...just like Carter did.

  10. We will not leave Iraq. Though I personally think this is a good thing, Obama's extreme base will not like it. He will get in office and say "we weren't told everything so we can't pull our troops out". The left is more than willing to make the U.S. lose a war when a Republican is in office for political power, but they will not try to lose when they are in office. That's not good for their own power.

  11. His policies, like Carter's, will take unemployment up to nearly 20%, inflation will be through the roof and the mortgage interest rates of 21% we experienced in the late '70s will most likely return.
This is just a few of the things that will happen in an Obama presidency, there are many more that will kill our economy and take us into such a tailspin that it will take 20+ years to get out of it. His commercials are all flowery and nice with promises that make you feel good, but you need to know what the candidates do. After all, actions speak louder than words so make sure you are really informed about the candidates and get out there and vote.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Top Ten Reasons To Vote For Obama/Biden

...and here we go:

10) You like $4+ gasoline prices and think the recent drop in prices is just awful. You can’t wait for all new domestic exploration to stop and hope that prices can eventually get to $6/gal.

9) You believe only left-wing ideas should be allowed on radio and TV so we must censor them and all opponents must be shut down.

8) You are hoping you too can be investigated and your life destroyed because you asked a question the campaign didn’t want to hear. Just like Joe the plumber and a TV anchor in Florida.

7) You like waiting 6 months in the socialized health care system for tests to tell you if you have cancer…even though the cancer will kill you in 3 months.

6) You love knowing you voted the same way the President of Iran, the leader of Hamas, the dictator of Venezuela and every other enemy of the United States of America says they would have voted if they could.

5) You are tired of deciding where to invest your money so you would rather the government just take your 401K and stick it into social security.

4) You are excited about the United States losing a war and showing the world we don’t follow through with anything.

3) You like the fact that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were run into the ground while requiring banks to make bad loans sending the economy into a downward spiral. You’re especially excited that Obama was the 2nd highest recipient of campaign contributions from these government-run companies as well.

2) You are tired of only paying nearly half of your income in taxes so you can’t wait for the tax cuts of 2003 to expire and give us the largest tax increases in history. The boost in unemployment is the most exciting part of this for you.

1) You think it’s unfair that you actually have to go to work so you would rather the government take money from that guy who works 60-80 hours a week to support his/her family and give it to you so you can watch TV instead.

This list is based on previous votes by Obama and what he said before the campaign began along with current proposals by Democrats in congress that would be passed by Obama if he were president. No false, misleading Obama campaign rhetoric was used in the formulation of this list.