Thursday, June 11, 2009

Constitutional Rights for Foreign Terrorists

The Obama administration has instructed the FBI to read Miranda rights to prisoners of war in Afghanistan. This is so ridiculous it's almost funny if it weren't so dangerous for our security. This has been going on for awhile without any Congressional notification.

Miranda Rights for Terrorists

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Obamaese is the new language being created by the current administration in the USA. It consists of little phrases that are thrown out by the administration to make the commoners (that's you and me) feel better, but is often misleading. To help clear up the "misunderstanding" I will post the quoted phrase and what it actually means to help people understand what is actually being done.

The first Obamaese I will explain is "Wall Street will play a less dominant roll in the economy..."

The true meaning of this statement is "The private sector (i.e. privately owned businesses and individuals like you and me) will have a less dominant roll in the economy while government takes over..."

Since we have a takeover of industry by the government (GM, banks and soon to be Chrysler with more to follow), the administration is absolutely correct in their statement. They are demonizing Wall Street to keep you from seeing the mess the government has been creating for years through over-regulation. This gives the Democrat party their opportunity to socialize this country as much and as fast as possible because they have created a "crisis".

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Truth & Consequences

I'm not a big sports fan, especially when it comes to football. It bugs me to see professionals in a sport trying to cheat all the way down the field with no consequences. Even when caught it's usually after the fact and the sport just says "oh well, it's too late now".

That's one of the reasons I love Formula 1 racing. There are players and teams who try to cheat on occasion, but when they are caught there are consequences and they affect their season even after the fact. It keeps most of the players honest to know they could pay for their actions down the road.

This week was a good example of that when the fourth place finisher was disqualified after the race for providing false information about an illegal pass by an opponent that moved him to into 3rd place.

It would be nice to see other sports take honesty and integrity more seriously.

Here is the full story of what happened:
Hamilton Excluded from Australian results, Trulli regains third.

Friday, March 27, 2009


A special one from the past. In 1992 my wife gave me tickets to see Iron Maiden at the Fox Theater in Atlanta for father's day. It was very special because she took me to the concert...and she's not a fan at all. We got there and watched the opening band "Frehley's Comet" then they came out and said "Bruce (the lead singer of Iron Maiden) is stuck in New York due to bad weather so come back tomorrow night and they will be here." We went back and the show was awesome!

From the "Fear of the Dark" album, I present to you the title track:

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Windows 7

Windows 7 is in beta right now (for non-techies that's the version they release to us computer geeks to test before it is released for sale on the market). I loaded it about a week ago and here's what I've found so far.

Go to the link above for all of the features, but here my favorites:

1. It uses much less memory. Vista used about 49% of my memory for the desktop and background services but Windows 7 Ultimate only uses 31%.

2. Task bar highlighting is wonderful. Just roll your cursor over something on the task bar and a thumbnail pops up. move your cursor over the thumbnail and the program goes full screen so you can see what's going on with it. Best of all once you move your cursor back to the task bar everything goes back to the way it was. No more having to switch back and forth between programs when things are running in the background.

3. Even better is the Start Menu highlighting. As you open files, the program that runs that file gets an arrow next to it in the start menu. If you need to open that file again you just click Start then highlight the program and all of the recent files slide out to the side so you can open it quickly. Also, with Windows Explorer, the recent folders you opened slide out so you can get there quickly.

4. The task bar is much cleaner and easier to work with. You can easily set which icons will be on the task bar and which ones will only show you alerts.

Windows 7 is slick! This is the most efficient, clean and easy to use version of Windows to date in my opinion. All of my programs and hardware work fine with no noticeable problems so far which is really good for a beta.

If you're adventurous, download the beta and check it out (after backing up your computer, of course). Just be forewarned, if you do install the beta as an upgrade to your system you will need to buy Windows 7 when it comes out or you will have to re-install your old Windows from scratch. Also, it is a beta so you can't get upset if some things don't work right at times. That's why they release it as a beta first to find the bugs.