Friday, March 20, 2009

New Privacy Policy...

...there is none.

This is from the transcript of a radio show I listen to. It is so true it is scary. We're not talking politics anymore, it's down to civil rights...or the lack thereof.

"By the way, for those of you at AIG, those of you who are now facing a 90% tax rate on your bonuses, which the Obama administration insisted be in the stimulus bill, those at AIG who are facing a 90% tax rate on your bonuses and your names and salaries being made public, I really hope you all voted for Democrats. I hope you all voted for Obama, and I hope you've now learned the Democrat privacy policy."..."We cannot invade the privacy of noncitizen terrorists who are calling from overseas, plotting terror attacks in this country. We cannot invade their privacy.

In fact, we may conduct hearings, war crimes trial hearings on the Bush administration for that very act of violation of privacy rights of terrorist overseas. But we can invade the privacy of legal citizens who receive bonuses that were authorized and contractually obligated by the Obama administration, the very administration that insisted you get the bonuses can now go (blowing a raspberry) on your privacy. Here's the Democrat immigration policy. It's un-American for federal agents to enforce our laws. It is patriotic to come here and stay illegally, and we want you illegals to join labor unions. That's patriotism. You are the backbone of America. Here's the Democrat mortgage policy: we're going to get you a mortgage you have no business getting, we're gonna get you a loan that you can't pay back, that we know that you can't pay back, and then when you fail to pay it back, we're going to force those who pay their mortgages on time to pay your mortgage, too. A very quick lesson here on Democrat privacy policy, immigration policy, and mortgage policy."

The Rush Limbaugh Show - 03/19/2009

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